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1899-00 • Volume 1

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Editor: Larrey Bowman, Bristow Adams
Art Director:
Business Manager:


Roomer Afloat
Oct 5, 1899
Editor: Larrey Bowman - Bristow Adams
PDF: v001n1.pdf
He Had the Makings of a College Student
Oct 26, 1899
Editor: Bristow Adams, Manager
This is a Football Number
Nov 23, 1899
Editor: Bristow Adams, Chairman
Dec 25, 1899
Editor: Bristow Adams, Chairman
Extremes Meet
Feb 21, 1900
Editor: Bristow Adams, Chairman
Junior Day
Mar 30, 1900
Editor: Chris Mason Bradley
Aprill 14, 1900
Editor: Chris Mason Bradley
We better ask Father…
Apr 28, 1900
Editor: Chris Mason Bradley

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