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1979-80 [2024/02/04 03:06] – created Barry Parr1979-80 [2024/05/05 00:54] (current) – external edit
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-====== 1979-80 • Volume 81 ======+{{page>:logo&noeditbutton&nodate}}
-\\ +===== 1979-80 • Volume 81 ===== 
-\\+[[1978-79| Previous]] • [[1980-81| Next]]
 ===== Notes ===== ===== Notes =====
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 ===== Staff ===== ===== Staff =====
-Editor: [[Jay Martel]]\\ Art Director: [[Perry Vasquez]]\\ Business Manager: [[Jack Trumpbour]]+Editor: Jay Martel\\ Art Director: Perry Vasquez\\ Business Manager: Jack Trumpbour
 ===== Issues ===== ===== Issues =====
-| {{:v081n1.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Alien**\\ Fall 1979 \\ Editor: Jay Martel | +| {{covers:v081n1.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Alien**\\ Fall 1979 \\ Editor: Jay Martel \\  
-| {{:v081n2.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Authority**\\ Nov 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Jay Martel | +| {{covers:v081n2.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Authority**\\ Nov 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Jay Martel \\ {{pdf:v081n2.pdf|PDF}} 
-| {{:v081n3.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Standard Deviation**\\ Winter 1980 \\ Editor: Jay Martel | +| {{covers:v081n3.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Standard Deviation**\\ Winter 1980 \\ Editor: Jay Martel \\ {{pdf:v081n3.pdf|PDF}} 
-| {{:v081n4.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Alienation - Game of Life**\\ May 1, 1980 \\ Editor: Jay Martel |+| {{covers:v081n4.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Alienation - Game of Life**\\ May 1, 1980 \\ Editor: Jay Martel \\ {{pdf:v081n4.pdf|PDF}} |
 +===== Photos & More =====
 +[[1978-79| Previous]] • [[1980-81| Next]]
-===== More Crap =====